Actions for Week of September 6, 2020
Ask Liz Krueger questions, where to early vote, and new ballot tracking tools.
Tuesday, September 8
5:30-7:30 PM
Rebecca Seawright is hosting phone banking and early voting events every Tuesday and Thursday until Election Day. Sign up at the link to get on the list. They will train you before starting.
Thursday, September 10
7:30 - 9:00 PM
Zoom (check your email for details)
Join us to ask State Senator Liz Krueger how to ensure a smoothly run election, hold the police accountable for running riot, and discuss looming budget cuts.
State Senators Brad Hoylman and Richard Gottfried have introduced legislation((S.8902/A.10942) to install voting drop boxes across New York State. Let’s urge our reps to support it!
Liz Krueger: (212) 490-9535
Dan Quart: (212) 605-0937
Rebecca Seawright: (212) 288-4607
Trump wants to intimidate voters with threats to send law enforcement to the polls to tackle non-existent fraud. Let’s make sure he doesn’t intimidate anyone. Sign up to be a poll observer yourself. You will get advance training and instructions.
NY needs workers to open and close the polls, set up equipment, and sign in voters. This is a paid position. So you can help democracy and get some extra money too. If you speak Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Bengali, Punjabi or Hindi you can sign up to be an interpreter.
If you want to early vote, check the link above to find your early voting location. It will also tell you where to vote on Election Day. You can also drop off absentee ballots at a polling site.
There’s a new tracking system that allows you to check the status of your absentee ballot application and track whether it was received! If there’s a problem it will tell you that too. Finally!
Dancing Through Harlem
A new performance from the Dance Theatre of Harlem. Filmed on location on subway platforms, at City College, and in front of the Adam Clayton Powell office building. Soothing, uplifting, and joyous as classical music meets modern moves.
Zookeeper tries to rake leaves in the panda exhibit, The pandas have other ideas.
Rice Rice Baby!
The truly hilarious saga of a man, tired of buying small bags of rice, who somehow ended up with a truckload of the stuff (and tried to negotiate his way out of it). If this isn’t on Netflix soon, there’s something terribly wrong with this world.
Tiny desk concert
At home with Norah Jones and her piano (no actual desk in sight)
Sophie's Masterpiece
Sophie is a spider, and also an artist.
Make your own guitar
You don't have to be a professional luthier to do this. You can make music from ordinary household supplies.
Stop-Motion Movies
Channel your inner Wallace & Gromit and make a stop motion movie.
Hopper the Penguin
We can't travel, but Hopper can. Drag him around the map and find out more about the places he's been, and the world we live in.
****** Your steering committee: Jodi, Margo, Nicole, and Jonathan