There's only one item on the calendar for this first week of 2019, and that's Indivisible's National Day of Action on Thursday, January 3. As the Democrats take control of the House thanks to your activism and the Blue Wave, we want to send the message to all of our elected officials that we are here, we are paying attention, we are powerful, and we will hold you accountable. Of course, we are now in a Trump shutdown, caused by his demands for a wasteful and harmful border wall. So we also want to communicate that the first item of business must be to re-open our government by passing a clean funding bill that rejects Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda.
Sign Up for Our January 3 Actions!
We have two events planned. You are invited to join either one or both. Even if you've already RSVP'd on Facebook or signed up in person, please sign up again using the new RSVP form that is accessible to a larger coalition of New York Indivisible chapters.
11 a.m.
Meeting With Carolyn Maloney's Staff
1651 3rd Ave.
Indivisible Upper East Side and Empire State Indivisible are joining forces to hand off a letter to Rep. Maloney's staff and have a photo op. If the group is small enough, we might be able to sit down with staffers to discuss priorities.
5 p.m.
Rally Outside Schumer's and Gillibrand's Offices
780 Third Ave.
Between 48th and 49th Streets
A coalition of New York Indivisible chapters are joining together for this rally outside our senators' offices. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has disappointed us in the past by not being bold enough in resisting the Trump agenda. (Kirsten Gillibrand is much more progressive but not in a leadership position.) Let's show him the electorate that flipped the House and the New York State Senate expects True Blue leadership.
- Weekly newsletter #95 written by Wendy Brandes, executive committee, Indivisible Upper East Side
Disclaimer: By choosing to attend any events listed herein, I acknowledge the risks involved, and that I agree to participate non-violently and in accordance with the law. During some events, acts of civil disobedience may be initiated by individual participants. I acknowledge and agree that Indivisible Upper East Side is not responsible for any such acts of individual participants which are unlawful, nor is Indivisible Upper East Side soliciting my participation in any such activity. I agree that I am solely responsible for any decision to participate in any acts of civil disobedience and any consequences, legal or otherwise, that may result from that decision.