It's a holiday week, so we're keeping it low-key. These actions are mostly about prepping you for the year ahead.
Monday, December 24, 2018
Donate to Indivisible Upper East Side
Done all your holiday shopping and still have a few spare dollars? Consider donating to us via our brand-new ActBlue page! Your donation will support the direct costs of our activism in New York City -- things like meeting-room rental, website support, posters, art supplies, clipboards, buttons, transportation, and more! Bookmark the page in case this isn't the right moment but you'd like to support us later.
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Send Governor Cuomo a Holiday Resistbot Message
If there are some fellow progressives among family members or friends you see today, introduce them to the joys of Resistbot. Text the word RESIST to 50409 to easily send messages to your elected officials. New Yorkers can let Andrew Cuomo know that while gift-giving is nice, giving a big tax break to Amazon for a new headquarters in Long Island City is still unacceptable. Feel free to include any recent experiences you've had with our crumbling subway system to illustrate what we should be spending money on. For friends and family members from other states who have yet to become activists, help them take their first steps by doing a quick online search for their most relevant issues.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Sign Up for the National Day of Action on January 3
Indivisible National had already planned a national day of action on January 3. Now that we're in a Trump government shutdown -- caused by Trump's demands for a wasteful and harmful border wall -- the first item of business must be to re-open our government by passing a clean funding bill that rejects Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda. We are planning a visit to Rep. Carolyn Maloney's office (time to be determined) with another Indivisible chapter followed by a multi-chapter rally outside the offices of Senators Schumer and Gillibrand. Sign up on Facebook so we can plan signage for the number of attendees.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
RSVP for a February 12 Trip to Albany
Brrr! A February visit to Albany might not be #1 on your winter-getaway list but it's for a good cause: We will be demanding voting reform for New York State. Fair Elections for New York is calling for reforms that increase the power of small donations; limit the influence of big money; and make it easier, not harder, to vote. The latter goal includes automatic voter registration, early voting, same-day registration, and no-excuse absentee voting.
Friday, December 28, 2018
Update Your Calendar
January 10: Indivisible Upper East Side January Meeting
January 19: Women's March on NYC
Regarding the Women's March, you may have read recent stories of serious problems with the original Women's March on DC leadership. While the media may have belated discovered or rediscovered this, the organizers of the New York City event -- the Women's March Alliance -- long ago expressed their repugnance and severed ties with the DC group. (Take a look at the Indivisible UES newsletters referencing the 2018 march -- such as this one -- and you'll see the emphasis placed on the group's independence then.) As stated on the Women's March Alliance website:
Women’s March Alliance is not affiliated with Women’s March, Inc. or its founders and is run by grassroots volunteers. We do not support any organization or person that is anti-Semitic, anti-gay, anti-woman, or does not support equal rights for every human. We welcome any and all people who want to raise women’s voices through education and activism.
- Weekly newsletter #94 written by Wendy Brandes, executive committee, Indivisible Upper East Side