How to vote early, join us to write to voters, and Ditch Mitch news
Actions for Week of August 23, 2020
*****SAVE THE DATE****
September 10, 2020
7:30 PM
State Senator Liz Krueger will join us to discuss voting, budget justice, climate change, and more. Get your questions ready!
Governor Cuomo has signed the absentee ballot bill. It will work essentially the same way as the primary did.
Request an Absentee Ballot
download and fill out the form on the BOE website.
request one at Click on “How to Vote.”
call the BOE at 1-866-VOTE-NYC
They will start to go out as soon as Sept. 18. You have until Oct. 27 to apply, but don’t wait that long!
If you request a ballot and do not receive it, or want to change your vote on something, you can still vote in person. Your in-person vote overrides the absentee ballot.
More details in this thread
Returning Your Absentee Ballot
you can mail it
drop it off at any early voting site, Election Day site, or a BOE office
Postmark Rules
ballots postmarked on or before Election Day and received within 7 days after Election Day
ballots without a postmark received on Nov. 4 (the day after Election Day)
Vote Early
early voting will be from October 24-November 1
check the BOE website for locations
The vote was a landslide in favor of sending the money. So that’s what we did. Indivisible HQ offered to handle the transfer, so the KY group saves on handling fees. I hope lots of KY residents see those signs and billboards!
Monday, August 24
6PM -7:30 PM
Community Board 8 will be discussing COVID-19 with healthcare experts and assessing our preparedness for a second, or continuing, wave of cases. Click the link to register and watch.
Tuesday, August 25
5-7 PM or 6-8 PM
Call to urge voters to support Alex Morse, Ed Markey, and Robbie Goldstein
Register at the link (this is run by Indivisible HQ, so once you sign up, they will send you everything you need to get started).
Thursday, August 27
5:30 PM
Register at the link to get your letters. Then join us on Zoom to get in touch with voters in swing states. Bring a cocktail, and hang out while we urge people to VOTE as if their lives depend on it. Because they do.
NY state has extended the ACA signup until Sept. 15. If you don’t have insurance, you can still get it.
Kamala! A Randy Rainbow Parody
The man is a national treasure!
Up the down staircase
Met Museum conservator Mechthild Baumeister gives a short talk on the Staircase from Cassiobury Park, Hertfordshire. It’s part of the museum’s new British Galleries. I got to see them just before everything shut down and do recommend it once it’s safe.
A staycation
A little virtual trip to Italy
First time hearing
These two young men (well one here), are going through songs sung long before they were born: rock, jazz, opera, and pop and listening to them for the first time. Somehow watching their reactions makes the music new again It’s a beautiful way to get lost for an hour or so.
Emily’s Wonder Lab
This premieres Aug. 25 on Netflix. Science!
Dinosaur dig!
Is there a kid alive who doesn’t like dinosaurs? Since we can’t go to the museum (yet), you can help kids search for their own dinosaurs and compare different sizes and teeth to see what they eat. This goes along with the popular Dinosaur Train kids show on PBS.
Frog taking a midnight snake to Georgia
Can animals laugh?
Well, other than people that is. Watch the video and find out.
****** Your steering committee: Jodi, Margo, Nicole, and Jonathan