A More Perfect Union

Actions for Week of July 5, 2020

Can’t canvas voters? Train to text instead! We’re going to adopt a swing state, and plan for November at our monthly meeting.

Independence Day is a bit fraught this year. Our country has wonderful ideals, but hasn't quite lived up to them. The history many of us learned was often slanted or incomplete. A lot of people, pain, and suffering were left out.  This is slowly changing, but we can do better! 

Tuesday, July 7

Tuesday, July 7
8:30 PM


Saturday, July 11
2 PM

We can’t canvas, but we can text!  Indivisible's goal is to reach 20 million voters, starting July 27 (which is 100 days until the election)!. Learn how to do reach out to voters in red and purple states. Urge them to vote blue! Each training is the same. Pick the time that’s best for you. 


Rebecca Seawright will be running in November on an independent party line, called the Rise and Unite party.  She needs signatures to get on the ballot.  She can collect them this month (July) only. If you want to help, or donate, you can do that here.


They work! There’s been no uptick in coronavirus cases in NYC, despite all the protests. So please wear your mask when you leave your home.  If you don’t have one, the city and partners are handing them out.

  • Stanley Isaacs – Tuesday, July 7th, 11:15am–12:15pm, 415 East 93rd Street in the Courtyard (Bring your own small bottle for a free hand sanitizer refill as well)

  • East 86th Street Neighborhood Association –Tuesday, July 7th, 11:30am–12:30pm, 86th St. and 2nd Ave, NE corner

  • East 79th Street Neighborhood Association – Please write to the neighborhood association at the address below and they will drop off the masks to your lobby: 

    • P.O Box 20052

    • Cherokee Station New York, NY 10021-10060

  • Carnegie Hill Neighbors  – Wednesdays through July, 12:00pm–3:00pm, 1326 Madison Ave

  • Lexington Houses – Wednesday, July 8th, 4:30pm–5:30pm, 1536 Lexington Avenue (Bring your own small bottle for a free hand sanitizer refill as well)


The budget passed. The public advocate was making some noise about being able to stop it, but I don’t know if that’s happened or not.  The City Council speaker claims that school safety cops really will be under Dept. of Ed jurisdiction, but twitter doesn’t believe him. Also, Ben Kallos voted no on the fake police cut budget. Keith Powers voted yes.


The NYC Board of Elections says they will start opening the absentee ballots on Monday.

Thursday, July 9
7:30 PM

Zoom (check your email for details)

We’re going to adopt a state to get rid of awful republicans and elect more democrats! But which state? 
Plus, Indivisible national just held a meeting on general election strategy. We’ll report back on that and brainstorm how to reach voters in the time of covid.
We’ll discuss all of that, and how you can help, at our monthly meeting. 




Sea lions in the Sea of Cortez
The photos are just stunning.

Mostly Mozart
A  small-scale classical music festival, with well-known people picking their favorites.

Met Museum Period Design Rooms
A mini tour of the Met's period rooms, with a curator as your guide.

Montreux Jazz Festival
July 3-18

Since the festival can’t take place in person, they will stream memorable past performances on YouTube.  Artists include Nina Simone, Marvin Gaye, Etta James and Carlos Santana.


Let's do Science!
Make your own sundial with ordinary household items.

Nature Bingo!
Be more aware of birds, trees, rocks, and other parts of the natural world. 

Moving Art
Most art just sits quietly. This sculpture is different. It moves! Download pdf to make your own kinetic sculpture

Solar Oven S'mores
Lots of us have made s'mores over a campfire, but you can just use the sun instead!