Protest Without Leaving Your Couch

Actions for Week of May 3, 2020

Save the post office, demand budget justice, and support Tedra Cobb’s campaign in NY 21

Primary Election Update Redux

The NY presidential primary has been cancelled.  No, it doesn't make any sense to me either. However, there will still be a primary for Congressional races, as well as for state and local campaigns.  We'll all get absentee ballot applications (not an actual ballot, just the application, at least as of now).  Make sure to fill it out and mail it as soon as you receive it.

Save the Post Office

The Republicans in Congress have been trying to kill or cripple the post office for years.  For example, the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act required the USPS to fund its pension obligations 75 years in advance!

That was $50 billion from 2007 to 2017. Money that could (and should) have gone to operations.  Thanks to this, and other reckless bills, the post office is suffering. Just when we need them most to ensure that we can get our mail, our medications, our packages, and even vote!

Use the tool at the link to write letters to Congress telling them that the post office is an essential service and this problem must be addressed in the next stimulus bill.

2020 Census

It's not too late to respond to the 2020 Census while being safe and practicing social distancing at home. Once you have responded, please encourage your family, friends and loved ones to complete the census, too. NYC’s response rates are pretty terrible. The census itself is easy. Either do it online, (it’s just a few questions) or fill out the form you’ll get in the mail.  A few minutes of your time can bring our state and city millions of dollars. Not bad for a couple minutes’ work

Budget Justice Town Halls

Monday, May 4
Public Health Crises Of Incarceration and Homelessness
7 PM

Tuesday, May 5
Protect Democracy and Ensure Corporate and State Accountability
7 PM

Wednesday, May 6
Ongoing And Universal Income Assistance Paired With True Financial Relief

New York remains the epicenter of the fight against the #COVID19 pandemic. This crisis has laid bare the devastating inequality in our state and the failures of austerity policies that have left most of our communities woefully unprepared.   

Our new state budget cuts services that are more critical than ever, and doesn't require the wealthiest New Yorkers to chip in a penny more. Plus, the Governor has positioned himself to push through devastating cuts to healthcare, education, and other public services that will only make the situation worse.

The first three Congressional stimulus packages failed to deliver relief to those who need it most. Billions of dollars in bailouts have gone to corporations with little oversight or accountability, while working families have seen minimrelief.  The next relief package must fix this.  Join one of the town halls and make your voice heard!

Monday, May 4 through Sunday ,May 10

Make Calls to Support Tedra Cobb

Margo and I (Jodi) met with Tedra Cobb’s team a while back.  We told them our group would like to help her beat the awful Elise Stefanik.  Here’s your chance! They  are planning a week of action to call local voters and urge them to vote for Tedra. Training at 10 AM to find out what to do. Pick your shift at the link.

NY-21 Postcards to Voters

If you’d rather not make calls, there’s also a postcard campaign.  All you have to do is click this link, fill out the form, and get postcards. When you receive them, write them out (script below), address them and put a stamp on them (you’ll need your own postcard stamps). Then send the box of cards to: P.O. Box 713, Canton NY, 13617 by June 15th.

Thursday, May 7

May National Activist Call

8 PM

Join Indivisibles from all across the country to swap ideas, brainstorm and see what's next in our fight to flip the Senate, defeat Trump, and achieve a more progressive union.



Indivisible Monthly Meeting
May 13, 2020
7:30 PM via Zoom

We’ve rescheduled Councilman Ben Kallos for this month’s meeting. He will join us virtually to discuss NYC's own Green New Deal, designed to reduce our greenhouse gases and make NYC buildings (and people) more climate-friendly.   Bring questions about how well the city is implementing these changes and communicating its progress to the rest of us.





The British Museum
Take a tour of The British Museum. You can just browse or look for a specific object by typing in the search box. Or, type a phrase, such as “Greek statue” in the box in quotes to get a list of items that fit that search.

A little night (or morning or afternoon) music to celebrate Stephen Sondheim's 90th birthday.

Explore Pharaoh Ramesses VI Tomb in 3D
Travel (virtually) to ancient Egypt. Take a tour of the tombs, either on your own or by following a tour (hit the play button arrow on the bottom left). You can move around, go to different floors, and zoom in on details.


Coloring Pages
Turns out coloring is soothing for everyone.  Here are some travel coloring pages you can print out.

Human Evolution
Watch a chat about human evolution from the American Museum of Natural History. Learn about fossils and human origins.  Hosted by  Assistant Curator of Anthropology Ashley Hammond and educator Frances Forrest.


Ology Coloring
Pick a page of microbes and color them in. You can download them, and do it on paper, or use the computer.

National Geographic for Kids
Learn about nature, flowers, space, and animals being silly.

Kids can learn math, reading, and classic songs all while having fun.

Your steering committee: Jodi, Jason, Jonathan, Nicole, and Margo