Actions for Week of May 10, 2020
There are two bills currently in the Congress that would help renters who are struggling because of the coronavirus and job loss.
One (HR 6321) would allocate money for emergency payments and temporarily alter rules about paying rent, mortgages, and debt collection ).
The second one (HR 6515) would end all rent and mortgage payments until the crisis is over and allow landlords and banks to apply to be reimbursed.
Rep. Maloney supports both bills. Our Senators have been silent so far.
Call or email them and tell them to support this legislation.
Chuck Schumer: (202) 224-6542
Kirsten Gillibrand: (202) 224-4451
Indivisible KY (with some help from a few of us) put this billboard up on a busy highway in KY. With just $3,437.50 more, they can fund the billboard for another 14 weeks. Chip in and help them keep it up.
Get out the vote without leaving home. Remember when we did letters to voters? Indivisible National has now partnered with them for a big letter writing campaign. They call it “The Big Send”. The goal is to mail 10 million letters. Just sign up at the link. They’ve got templates all ready to go. All you have to do is fill in the blanks and mail the letters.
By the way, we’re also working on a plan to do this as a group activity via Zoom. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, May 12
7 PM
Town hall with Leah Greenberg and House candidates Arati Kreibich (NJ 05) and Melanie D’Arrigo (NY-3)
Both Arati and Melanie have been endorsed by the Indivisible movement after being nominated by local groups in the New York metro area, and they’re both taking on conservative, corporate-backed incumbents Josh Gottheimer and Tom Suozzi. These two are Democrats in name only. They are leaders of the "Problem Solvers" Caucus, which is funded by billionaires through a front group called No Labels Action. This caucus has predictably represented these wealthy special interests in Congress by repeatedly watering down progressive priorities.
Arati and Melanie are running to fight for people, not corporations, and to champion bold, progressive ideas like Medicare for All and a Green New Deal. Both of these districts deserve a real, grassroots-supported Democrat representing them in Congress.
RSVP at the link.
*****Thursday, May 14*****
7:30 PM- 9:00 PM
NYC passed our own Green New Deal months ago. Ask Ben Kallos, our councilman, if we’re on track to meet our goals, how it’s being implemented ,and what the public will be told. We’re now also facing COViD-19. How well is NY doing fighting this pandemic? What kinds of restrictions, or changes can we expect going forward? Will the city be ready for the upcoming elections in June and November? How will voters be protected? Have your questions ready!
Zoom info (we streamlined it this time):
Click on the link to join the Zoom Meeting on your computer
Meeting ID: 894 0611 5935]
Password: 814091
One tap mobile:
+13017158592,,89406115935#,,1#,814091# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,89406115935#,,1#,814091# US (Chicago)
Dial in:
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Password: 814091
Find your local number:
Saturday, May 16
8 PM
If you miss coherent thoughts, complete sentences, intelligence and kindness, join President Barack Obama for a commencement address to the nation’s high school graduates. It will be online, and also broadcast on ABC, NBC, CBS, and even Fox.
We held a mini poll among the members of the steering committee and picked our preferred Congressional candidate. We’re wondering if you think the group should make a formal endorsement for Congress or other races. So, tomorrow we’ll be sending you an email asking for your opinion. Just rank your choices and we’ll announce the results at our monthly meeting on Thursday.
Primary Election
For now, the NY Presidential primary has been reinstated, per judge’s order. I’ve seen reports that the Board of Election is appealing (knuckleheads). It’s all still very much in flux. More concrete details as I get them.
Join the Steering Committee
Jason is leaving New York (thanks for your help, Jason). We’d like to get two new steering committee members. You can help us direct policy, decide what national and state actions to support, and shape the direction of this group. If you’re interested, reply to this email.
Frank Lloyd Wright home tours
Take virtual mini tours of Frank Lloyd Wright homes. A new one each week, with some behind the scenes looks you normally wouldn’t see on a standard tour.
Stratford Canada Shakespeare at Home
Filmed versions of Shakespeare’s plays, plus behind the scenes features and chats with the performers. They’re starting with King Lear, followed by Coriolanus, and then Macbeth. New shows on Thursdays.
Anyone else developed a new “hobby” of peering at the backgrounds of the singing/playing/talking people on the Internet and TV as they work from home? Someone is going to the trouble of watching, and then rating them. It's all good fun, but also for a good cause. They are raising money along with MadDogPAC to buy PPE for underserved areas and peoples, especially Native Americans.
Alvin Ailey Dances at Home
Revelations at a distance. Love how the dog wants to help, but isn't quite sure what to do.
Sidewalks of New York
If you’re missing the real sounds of NYC, the library has you covered. It’s silly, but it’s soothing somehow.
Guggenheim online
Can’t visit the museums, but The Guggenheim has a whole slate of virtual tours, art classes, and studio visits.
Ancient Travel Blog
Both fascinating and entertaining. This blog treats ancient sites as if they were current travel destinations.
Virtual architecture class
A six week series from the Frank Lloyd Wright museum with a new lesson every Wednesday. It includes instruction on on creating patterns, making drawings, and how load bearing works. There’s an at-home project at the end.
An Afternoon at the Museum of Natural History
The American Museum of Natural History has a whole series of Space vs Dinosaurs videos. They are little bite-size bits of science aimed at kids. The first one is about finding new planets. The second one is about searching for dinosaur fossils.
They also have watch parties with scientists every Friday afternoon. Here’s last week’s about Mars.
Story time at the Met
Thursdays at noon
Story time with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, watch, sing along, and enjoy a story.
Your steering committee: Jodi, Margo, Nicole, and Jonathan