Actions for Week of March 22, 2020
Help NYers, or Help Yourself
A list of ways New Yorkers can get help if needed, or provide it. There are resources for getting food, cash, helping displaced workers, and donating educational or technical help.
Donate to Help Unemployed Hourly Workers
The funds will be split between Robin Hod and Tipping Point Community. Donations are tax deductible and all but the usual transaction fee will go straight to people who need help.
End Surprise Medical Billing
With the threat of serious illness looming over us all, this is not the time for unwelcome insurance billing surprises. Emergencies can currently mean out-of-network charges, big bills, and lead to bankruptcies. Tell Congress to stop it.
NY Panel Wants to Slash Medicaid
Speaking of which, a NY advisory panel just unanimously backed a plan to slash Medicaid funding by nearly $400 million. Right in the middle of a pandemic. All I can say is #(@(!! <censored>
Let’s call the governor, and our state reps, and tell them this is an idiotic idea. Or, mention it on Monday’s call with Four Freedoms (see below)
Governor Cuomo: (518) 474- 8390 (Choose option 1 to leave a message)
Liz Krueger: (518) 455-2297 (Albany) or (212) 490-9535 (New York)
Dan Quart: 518-455-4794 (Albany) or (212) 605-0937 (New York)
Rebecca Seawright: (518) 455-5676 (Albany) or 212-288-4607 (New York)
Census Text Banking From Home
Sign up to text bank to remind people to fill out the census. Use your own phone or laptop. You’ll have a special tool to get the information.
Monday, March 23
Four Freedoms is hosting a virtual town hall with Congresswoman Maloney and Assembly member Rebecca Seawright. They will also be joined by Dr. Dana Mazo, an infectious disease expert at Mt. Sinai. And Kim Moscaritolo will update everyone on their Neighbors Helping Neighbors program.
To join, do one of the following:
3) Call this number to join by phone: 1.646.876.9923, Conference ID: 212.555.0212
4) Try Business Skype
Tuesday, March 24 and Friday March 27
Virtual Markers for Democracy
9:30 AM
Markers for Democracy is hosting virtual post carding sessions every Tuesday and Friday morning. There are links below with the details on how to join and where to get cards.
To participate, do one of the following:
1) Join the virtual meeting at:
Meeting ID: 102 506 815
Password: 023440
2) Call this number:1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 102 506 815
If you need postcards:
Contact Ellen or Elizabeth.
Or order from one of these places:
Local Resources for Coping with “Self-Quarantine”
What’s open?
Our local community board is starting a list of businesses that are open during the emergency. More information at the link, along with a link to a form to add your own business or other places you know are open.
Help for freelance artists
Tools and help for artists, actors, musicians and other creatives
Parents with Kids
If you’re suddenly trying to figure out how to be a teacher, here is a list of online learning resources
Learning for Adults
Recorded programs and talks at the 92nd Street Y.