Fight for a Better Future Without Leaving Home

Actions for Week of March 15, 2020


**Any time**


The House has passed a bill to help contain the virus and protect people. The Senate is dragging its heels. Call them and tell them to act! And pass this on to other states.   Use this script if you like):

▶︎SCRIPT: Hi, I’m (your name) and I’m calling from NY state. I am one of your constituents.  I urge (Senator Schumer/Senator Gillibrand) to fix the problems with  H.R.6201 (the Families First Coronavirus Response Act).

The House bill has several big holes in it. There are exemptions for large corporations, like McDonald's and Amazon, as well as carve outs for smaller businesses. As a result, it only covers about 20 percent of the work force. 

During this crisis, unemployment insurance should be extended. And, Medicaid spending should be increased to cover the most vulnerable. 

Testing should be free and available to all, regardless of insurance status. This helps keep everyone safe. 

Families who rely on food stamps and school lunches should still be able to access those programs. Congress should also consider suspending mortgage payments & student loan collections.

Lastly, I insist that Congress fully investigate the Trump administration’s horrendous response to this disaster. They must be held responsible for this mess.

Phone Numbers:

Senator Chuck Schumer: (212) 486-4430 
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand:  (212) 688-6262


We don’t have enough coronavirus test kits because Trump wanted to keep the reported cases low. He thought higher numbers would hurt his reelection chances. This is super villain level evil. 

Use Resistbot to send text messages to state and national reps, demanding more test kits for coronavirus. If texting isn't your thing,  you can also use it to send letters.


Indivisible as a group will be sending the letter at the link to our State Reps next week. But we need to keep up the pressure.

Call Liz Krueger and point out that NY has the worst income inequality in the nation.  This gap can be easily reduced by enacting a millionaire's tax. We have the highest concentration of billionaires in the world. They get billions in tax breaks while regular people suffer.  Also tell her we want full funding for early voting and to ensure that there are no Medicaid cuts. 

Phone in Albany: (518) 455-2297
Phone in NY: (212) 490-9535


Our Senators are not targets, but we can pick a state that is.  Which one would you like to defeat most? The list is at the link. Just reply to this email with your choice. We'll coordinate with other NY area groups to help generate calls. 

Tuesday, March 17


Learn how to text people in other states and urge them to take back the Senate. We are targeting eight vulnerable senators in states like AZ, CO, and ME. This session will show you how to use this technology to reach out. Talking or texting directly is the best way to convince people.  Don't worry, they won't see your number.

PSA: If you rely on food delivery, you may have to wait. I tried to order for my mom in Westchester and FreshDirect was sold out all week. Peapod had nothing until next Tuesday!