Minimize Mitch

Actions for Week of December 20, 2020

Flip GA, Put Charles in Charge, and NY State 2021 Actions

Convening Recap
We had a pandemic virtual convening last week to discuss budget negotiations,

Chuck Schumer's role (whether as minority or majority leader), and our priorities for democracy reform, changing the way the Senate works, and pressuring him (whatever his role) and the Democratic party.

The GOP will drag out negotiations and float fake offers to sabotage talks.  The media will tend to follow the "establishment" party line or focus on either far left or far right. 

Whether Senator Schumer is minority or majority leader, we need to coordinate actions with each other, with days of phone calls, emails, or social media events to keep him responsive. 

New York State
There was also a presentation on budget justice, by Charles Khan from Empire State Indivisible.If you want to join in on planning for this and pressuring our state legislature to raise taxes on the rich, and make NY far more equitable, you can sigh up below. 

Empire State also offered (in a breakout room) to give us a personalized rundown on all of this.  

  1. Sign on as coalition member:

  2. Be an official liaison: meetings are on Saturday mornings at 10am: email Becky ( or Ricky (

  3. Sign up to help with our postcards to NY voters campaign (Jan 15-Mar 1):

We were joined briefly by Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the NY State Senate Majority leader, to discuss the new State Senate super-majority and redistricting. She is happy to work with us on this (the first time Democrats have ever had redistricting power) and promised to make time for further meetings to discuss other legislative priorities. 

Lots more details, all the slides, and more in this google folder, including a presentation on “The Power of NY in the Senate., along with a list of tactics that we could take as a state. If you have an idea, feel free to add it!

If you missed the convening, and want the whole nine yards, there are links to the videos:

Day 1: Passcode: ?7=Tz^Pu 

Day 2: Passcode: yu91MQG! 

One NYS Slack 

There's now a private Slack just for NY state. Fill out the form at the link to join. There are channels for national actions, keeping an eye on Cuomo, candidate support, and local progressive priorities.

Indivisible Harlem has a Slack refresher, if you need one.

Every day through Jan 5
Virtual Phone Banking 

If you speak Spanish, there are special Spanish language call sessions (extra helpful!)

Sundays 12-2 PT or 3-5 ET
Phone banking with extra training

Every day through Dec. 29 (currently scheduled)
If phone calls aren't your thing, you can text instead. This group is working with Stacey Abrams.

There will be a big push on January 4. Stay tuned for details on that.


Personal Book Stacks

Since browsing is limited, the library is offering a book search service. Tell them what sorts of books you like to read, and they will select books for you. Then you just go pick them up and check them out.

By the way, they are also now doing temperature checks. Mine was 89.6?!? Where’s my “Walking Dead” royalty check?

Audra McDonald
Through Jan. 3
($35 to view)
Normally, this would be gala and party season. But not this year, so the theaters and performance spaces are coming up with creative ways to do it virtually. New York City Center’s bare bones gala, featuring the fabulous Audra McDonald

Put this dog on the skateboarding team!

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (piano duet)
We can't watch this in person, so here's a taste from afar

Syzygy! Syzygy! 
Jupiter and Saturn meet in the sky to form a “star”