Monday, January 13
Mitch McConnell wants to preemptively dismiss the charges against Trump without a proper trial. We know our Senators won’t stand for this. But what about other states?
We can’t contact senators in red and purple states directly, but we can talk to their constituents.
Use this indivisible tool to reach out to likely progressive voters and connect them to their senators’ offices. Sign up at the link. You’ll need a computer or tablet to log into the system, as well as a phone.
Tuesday, January 14
Le Pain Quotidien Lexington and 88th St
9:30 AM -12:30 PM
Remind voters in key elections to vote blue. All you have to do is write some postcards. Details (and materials) included. The postcard writing will be followed by a community lunch
Wednesday, January 15
104 West 14th Street, 3rd floor (Studio E), New York, NY 10011
6 PM- 8 PM
Money and organizing locally can make a big difference in election outcomes. Registering new voters and increasing turnout is the key to blue wins. Help support local groups in PA by carpooling, canvassing, and phone banking. They will also reach out to voters in Florida (online).
Thursday, January 16
Remind our Senators that we don’t want Trump’s war. The briefing justifying the assassination was so bad that even staunch GOP Senator Mike Lee of Utah was furious. He is now co-sponsoring a war powers resolution to rein in Trump. Make sure Gillibrand and Schumer know what we think. Just fill out the form at the link to connect to their offices.
7 PM Tune in to WBAI at 7 PM to listen to Liat from Indivisible Nation BK (in Brooklyn). Find out more about how to get into “good trouble” and make sure that politicians at all levels listen to you.
Friday, January 17
The NY State Senate has passed automatic voter registration, but the Assembly hasn’t scheduled a vote yet. Call them at 855-973-4252 (this is a dedicated Indivisible hotline) to tell them to act.