Monday, September 2
Labor Day! Enjoy your day off!
Tuesday, September 3
Phonebanking for North Carolina Special Election
40 West 98th Street #7E, New York, NY 10025
6:30-8:30 PM
Help phone bank and work to get out Democratic voters in this special election for North Carolina's Third Congressional District. Early voting turnout is running high so far, let's get it higher. Every vote matters!
Wednesday, September 4
Climate Strike Training and Planning Meeting
Ethical Culture Society, 1 West 64th St. (at Central Park West)
6 to 8 pm
Greta Thunberg just sailed into NY to fight for a greener future. If you are a parent, or student, or want to insist on a greener future, join Strike with Us, Rise and Resist and dozens of other organizations to save the only planet we have.
Phonebanking for Virginia State Senate Candidate
RSVP for exact address
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Take a ride to Brooklyn to help phone bank for Qasim Rashid. He's running to flip a red seat to blue in the Virginia legislature. He's an immigrant, human rights activist, and could be an important voice in creating a more equitable society. And, the state legislature draws the Congressional district maps after the census next year.
CNN Climate Crisis Town Hall
4PM-11 PM
Take some time to watch the CNN town hall on climate change. It’s a seven-hour live event featuring ten leading Democratic presidential candidates.
Any time
Podcast on Climate Change
Led by scientists from the American Museum of Natural History, Woods Hole, and a member of Canada's First Nations. It discusses how climate change affects the world, and the policy, economic, and personal choices that can help fight it. (If you’d rather read, or have hearing issues, there’s also a transcript).
Saturday/Sunday September 7 and 8
Canvassing Trip to PA
Join with Action Network and go door to door to help register likely Democratic voters in Pennsylvania. Find out what issues matter to these crucial voters in a key state that may help decide the election next year. Click on the link to RSVP and fill out the form to sign up.