Actions for Week of September 15, 2019

Tuesday, September 17th
Secure the Vote Day of Action
780 Third Ave, NY, NY 10017
10 AM

Rally to tell Senator Schumer to protect our voting machinery, voter registration databases, and tabulations from hackers and bad actors. The House has passed a bill allocating $600 million to secure our vote, and Mitch McConnell is sitting on it, with no vote.

Wednesday, September 18th
Voter Registration Letter Writing
245 West 107th Street #10B, New York, NY 10025
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Turnout is key to winning the election next year. And to do that, we need to register new voters. Letter writing is a proven technique to encourage residents of   key swing states to register and vote.

Presidential Endorsement Virtual Cafe
Your own home
8 PM
Join a nationwide call with other Indivisible members to discuss the presidential candidates and a possible Indivisible endorsement. Works online or via telephone.

Thursday, September 19th
NY State Indivisible Call
Your own home
8 PM
Join with other NY State Indivisible members to discuss the census, and the importance of making sure every person is counted. This is critical for decisions on funding, redistricting, and representation. 

Climate Change Forum on MSNBC

MSNBC, Our Daily Planet, and Georgetown University host a forum focused entirely on climate change. Hear what top presidential candidates have to say on this vital topic.  This will be live streamed on the 196h and 20th, with additional coverage at 8PM on MSNBC both days.

Friday, September 20th
Fridays for Future Climate Strike
Foley Square
12 PM - 3 PM

Join Greta Thunberg and young NY youth activists and demand that the UN address the climate disruption criss.  Marches will be held all over the world to urge world leaders to take action to protect the only planet we have.  This is sponsored by Fridays for Future, which is run by high school students who march and protest on Fridays to protect their futures.

Saturday, September 21st
We the People March
58th and Broadway
New York, NY 10019
12 PM

March to show that our reps work for us (not the other way around). The current administration is a clear and present danger to our democracy and our values. This cannot stand.