Actions for Week of August 9, 2020
A NY-12 election result! Demand budget justice, KY Indivisible joins our meeting, and fixing the election board mess
***OUR MONTHLY MEETING IS THIS WEEK (scroll down for details)***
Rep. Maloney has been certified the winner of the election. Suraj Patel has not yet conceded.
Monday, August 10
The NYS Legislature is holding a hearing about the 2020 primaries on August 11.
If you had problems voting, please email Sen. Zellnor Myrie:, Assemblyman Charles Lavine:, and your Senate and Assembly member by August 10. Contact information for our members is below.
Dan Quart
Phone: (212) 605-0937
Rebecca Seawright
Phone:(212) 288-4607
Liz Krueger
Phone: (212) 490-9535
Wednesday, August 12
8:30 PM - 9:30 PM
If you haven't taken the text bank training yet, here's another chance. The more voters we can reach, the better. No data plan needed. It's all done on your computer.
*******Thursday, August 13********
7:30 PM
Zoom (link to come)
Leslie McColgin from Indivisible Four Rivers in KY will join us. Leslie has been working hard to dump Mitch in KY. She will fill us in on their efforts to defeat Moscow Mitch and flip the Senate. She’ll also show off their new billboards and Burma Shave style signs.
Plus, an update on the inner workings (or lack thereof) of the Board of Elections from our own Kim Moscaritolo. She, and other district leaders, have been meeting regularly with the Board of Elections to discuss voting issues and how to improve them in November.
Carl Heastie (NY state speaker) and Andrea Stewart-Cousins (NY state majority leader) have come out in support of Budget Justice. That’s great, but support is not enough. We need our legislators to support legislation and pass bills to make this a reality.
Here’s a script to call or email them. Contact information below.
Script: Hi, my name is ________ and I am a constituent from zip code _________. Prior to COVID-19, New York State ranked the worst in terms of inequality of any state in the nation with harsh racial disparities in education, healthcare, housing, and jobs. And the pandemic has only made it worse. We cannot afford to wait for the Federal Government to act.
And we cannot afford to cut our way out of this crisis. We need to raise revenue by taxing the ultra-wealthy and fully fund our future.
That’s why I’m calling to urge [Insert Elected Name] to support and fight to pass the Fund Our Future package of bills. The package includes the Ultra-millionaires Tax, the Billionaires Tax, the Pied-a-terre Tax, the Stock-Transfer Tax, the Stock Buyback Tax, and the Mezzanine Debt Tax. Passing these bills is critical for us to avoid devastating cuts to social services. Can I count on [Insert Elected Name] to support and fight for the passage of these bills?
Dan Quart
Phone: (212) 605-0937
Rebecca Seawright
Phone:(212) 288-4607
Liz Krueger
Phone: (212) 490-9535
Friday, August 14
9:30am - 12:30pm
Guest - Tali Farhadian Weinstein, Candidate for Manhattan D.A. at 10am
Tali and her family fled Iran and settled in the US with the help of HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society). She has clerked for Merrick Garland, worked at the DOJ, and has taught at Columbia Law School.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 102 506 815
Password: 023440
Florida voters restored voting rights to felons. The GOP effectively took them away again. They are requiring freed citizens to pay fines and costs. This is blatant disenfranchisement. Let’s help fix this by paying their fine so they can vote (as the people wanted).
NY RESOURCES (courtesy of Rep. Maloney)
NY unemployment insurance has been extended for another 20 weeks of coverage. To apply:
NYC schools have free meals
NY’s health exchange is open through August 15 regardless of immigration status. To apply:
Free mental health coverage
Vote him away!
A wonderful reworking of Pete Seeger's song (with special appearance by Peggy Seeger)
Baby elephants just wanna have fun
Card games from the museum
Cards, puzzles, and games from the Met collection
Bear cam
Bears fishing, birds, and Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park, Alaska
Silly song covers for 8 cellos (Imperial March)
And do read the comments. They're funny.
George vs George
That's President Washington vs. King George III. See if you can figure out which description matches each man. P.S. There used to be a statue of King George in Bowling Green. It was torn down by the colonists. They also removed the crown finials from the fence around it. The marks are still there.
Go for a spin
How do skaters manage to keep spinning, and change direction and speed? Watch the video, and check out the tips on this download.
Virtual puzzle
Move the pieces to get an image of Iroquois art
How pitching works
The mechanics, finger position, and body movement affect how the ball moves. P.S. Dinosaurs don't pitch too well.
Puffy Paint Art
With shaving cream and flour!
****** Your steering committee: Jodi, Margo, Nicole, and Jonathan
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