Armchair Activism

Actions for Week of April 5, 2020

Bailout the People, Not the Fat Cats

Tell Congress we want them to protect lives with accessible health care for everyone, boost economic support for ordinary Americans, and protect our ability to vote. We should have the option to vote by mail.  There is a draft letter below and at the link, which you can copy/paste or alter to suit.

Or call them:

Senator Chuck Schumer: (212) 486-4430 
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand:  (212) 688-6262
Representative Carolyn Maloney: (212) 860-0606

If you call, use this script as a starting point. You don’t have to recite the whole thing,  just pick two or three that are most important to you!):

My name is _______ and I live in New York, NY. As one of your constituents, I am thankful that Congress has passed three coronavirus response bills. However, while these bills have temporarily filled in important gaps in our paid sick leave, unemployment insurance, and health care systems, they are grossly insufficient given the magnitude of the current crisis. 

This reality is that this crisis isn’t over and soon Congress will likely have to pass at least one additional response package, and that response must put people’s needs ahead of corporate profits — in other words, we need a People’s Bailout. This should include: 

- making voting easier, funding election security, increasing Medicaid funding, and ending medical price gouging.

- reopening the ACA exchanges to allow newly unemployed workers to access health insurance.

- monthly cash payments to all Americans, regardless of immigration status 

- require corporations who take bailout money to maintain 100% of payroll

- no taxpayer funds should be used for executive bonuses, stock buy-backs, “golden parachute” payments, or dividends

- enact a federal jobs program that focuses on creating green jobs and invests in a green economy

- prevent bailouts for the fossil fuel industry and other industries that put the future of our planet at risk

- focus resources in frontline communities that are the hardest hit by the twin crises of coronavirus and an exploitative economy

This pandemic is devastating our communities, and we expect you to fight to ensure that every individual, worker, and family in our state gets the support they need. No exceptions.

As your constituent, I expect you to fight for me and my family — not corporations. I request a response to my letter.

 Fill out the Census

It’s time for the census.  The data collected is used to distribute millions of dollars in funding for hospitals, medicaid, lunch programs, and a lot more. It also decides the number of congressional districts. You can do fill it out online right at the link. Only takes a few minutes. 

Coronavirus Domestic Worker Fund

For many in-home care workers, nannies, and house cleaners the threat from Coronavirus is especially severe. All their choices are bad. Either they risk getting sick in order to feed their families or they have no work at all because everyone has cancelled their services. Help them stay home and stay safe.

Write Letters to Voters from Home

Remember the Letters to Voters we did last year?  We got names and addresses, wrote letters, and sent them to voters in swing states. Now there’s a way to do it right from your home.  The idea is to get the letters now, and then send them later, before the election.  Just sign up to get a list of people to contact, as well as a template for writing the letter.

All NY primaries will now be on June 23, Early voting is June 13-21.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020
9:30 AM- 12: 30 PM

Virtual Postcards for Democary
Meeting ID: 581 446 665
Password: 092014
Special guest, Council member Ben Kallos (at 10 AM)

If you need postcards, contact Ellen or Elizabeth.


Or order from:

    b. Creative Dem

    c. REFcreatives

    d. HelloVoter


Townhall Tuesday
7 PM

A virtual town hall with Assembly member Rebecca Seawright and Marissa Block, Deputy Chief Program Officer at Lenox Hill and Robin Strashun, Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator at Search and Care. They will discuss social services and caring for seniors.

***** SAVE THE DATE****
April 16
7:30 PM

Speaking of virtual meetings, we’re putting together a virtual meet the candidates forum.  We’ve got our Congressional candidates lined up to talk to us through the magic of technology. We’ll send you the link and all the information you need to join us next week.


A dedicated website built to help small businesses, creatives, parents, teachers, and anyone who needs help navigating the “new normal.” There are also links for filling out the census, mental health tips, and how to exercise.

Educating Yourself


There are over 4,000 courses, from universities all over the world.  I have, in the past, taken classes from Duke, Yale, and CalTech, on subjects such as genetics, planetary science, and law. Most of them are free.  You can take guitar lessons, a class on modern American poetry, abstract painting, Egyptology and so on. Go at your own pace and talk online with other students (via discussion boards).


Classes from Harvard, Berkley and Boston University.  You can learn another language, take a music class, or one about art appreciation.  They are mostly go at your own pace. It’s all free too.


Kadenze classes are largely focused on art, music, math, and techology. There are about 250 options, including music theory, sound production, and surrealism.

Skype a Scientist:
Chat with a real scientist, right from your apartment.  All you need is videoconferencing software (like Zoom, Skype, or Google Hangouts).  Fill out the form at the link to sign up.

Here are a few past conversations:
Gray whales