Actions for Week of November 8, 2020
We did it! Celebrate!! Dance! Sing! Review what we did (monthly get-together time)
All your postcards, letters, calls, texts, organizing, fundraising and hard, hard work paid off!! And now we’re happy and joyful and dancing and blowing the shofar.
Here’s how the world’s newspapers reacted.
How it started/how it’s going
The four year (it seems like more!) fight to dump Trump
Since none of the candidates got over 50% of the vote, there will be a runoff on January 5. If we win these races, we gain control of the Senate and can keep Mitch out of the Majority Leader chair.
1) Fair Fight (Stacey Abrams’ group) is already on the ground registering people to meet the Dec. 7 deadline and making sure young people turning 18 are registered. Donate here.
2) New Georgia Project is setting up phone banking, donating, and local volunteering projects. Sign up here for updates.
Thursday, November 12
7:30 PM
Meeting ID: 821 0614 3950
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+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
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+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 821 0614 3950
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Let's savor the sweet smell of success, how we got here, and what we were doing when we heard. BYOB!
Lots more to do to win those two seats in Georgia, pressure Albany to go more green, fix our voting and vote counting delays, end police immunity, and enact budget justice. Not to mention our own city elections and holding Biden/Harris accountable.
So let’s get ready to roll. Because we can never, ever take our democracy for granted again.
Oh beautiful, for spacious skies
Canada asked for America the beautiful, and we sent it
Check your assumptions
We’ve all been told that men are/were the hunters, while women stayed home and gathered food. That may well be all wrong.
A Little Bach Music
J.S. Bach Violin Concertos
Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles
Friday, November 13
9 p.m. on PBS
A look at the history, themes, and broad appeal of Fiddler on the Roof, featuring the composer and lyricist, famous fans, and former cast members, including Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick, Joel Grey, Topol, Harvey Fierstein and Lin-Manuel Miranda.
I believe I can fly
Take a full 360 degree tour of the mockup of the space shuttle used to train astronauts
Bucket List!
Just a normal morning watching the borealis in Norway
If you feel like flinging something (good for pumpkins)
Hot Sauce Disappearing Act
A little misdirection and a bit of “magic”
Awwwww! Group hug!
We can't hug each other, so this will have to do