Actions for Week of February 25, 2019

Monday, February 25, 2019
Protest the Trump Gag Rule
Steps of City Hall
5 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Planned Parenthood of New York City and other sponsoring groups urge you to fight the Trump-Pence administration's unethical gag rule, which makes it illegal for Title X health care providers to refer patients for abortion. Speakers include New York State attorney general Tish James.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019 - TWO ACTIONS
(1) Vote for NYC Public Advocate

Your polling site
6 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Make sure you vote in the special election for New York City Public Advocate. Jobs like this may seem like small potatoes, but they are launching pads for bigger roles. This election is to replace the most recent public advocate, Tish James, who now state attorney general. Guess who was public advocate before her? Bill de Blasio, who is now our mayor. That's why you should NEVER skip an election. To educate yourself, you can watch the two candidate debates hosted by NY1 here and here. Review the full list of candidates here.

(2) Tell Schumer to Support a Green New Deal
1 Prospect Park West, by Grand Army Plaza
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

We're visiting Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer at home to urge him to sign on to the Green New Deal resolution, like 12 other New York politicians already have.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Lobby for Fair Elections in Albany

Click here to sign up for bus departing Union Square at 6:30 a.m.
Buses head home at 3:45 p.m.

It’s time to make Albany work for all New Yorkers, not just big donors. Join this day of action in Albany as constituents demand that legislators protect and expand the freedom to vote for every eligible New Yorker and pass comprehensive campaign finance reform, including a small donor matching system.

Thursday, February 28, 2019
Tell Cuomo: Hands Off Grassroots Groups
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is using his new budget proposal to target small grassroots groups -- like ours -- that helped flip the state senate blue. His new plan lowers the threshold for lobbying from $5,000 a year to $500, which would force activist groups that spend more than that to register as official lobbyists and to submit legal paperwork every other month.  Indivisible UES's rent at the Unitarian Church of All Souls is $600 a year, so that alone would put us in the "lobbyist" category -- a category that is meant for paid, professional, well-funded lobbyists instead of unpaid concerned citizens like us. Here are three ways to contact Cuomo -- and if you've already done them, do them again!

  • Send a postcard telling Cuomo that you are an engaged citizen, not a lobbyist, and that he should delete Part R of the Good Government & Ethics Reform Article VII Legislation in this year’s budget. Address cards to: Gov Andrew Cuomo, NYS Capitol Building, Albany, NY 12224.

  • Call Cuomo's office at 518-474-8390. Again, the message is that he should delete Part R of the Good Government & Ethics Reform Article VII Legislation in this year’s budget because concerned citizens shouldn't be treated like paid lobbyists.

  • Use Resistbot to either call or message Cuomo. Resistbot makes it easy to send a message to any elected official -- federal or local -- 24/7. Text the word RESIST to 50409 to get started. After you register once, all you have to do is follow the instructions to send messages or call.

Friday, March 1, 2019
Immigrants Are Not the Enemy

Grand Central Terminal
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Join organizers Rise and Resist in a silent protest in the main hall of Grand Central Station. Our message is that there is no national security emergency on the border; there is a humanitarian emergency that can not be remedied by building a wall, militarizing the border, or building detention camps/prisons. Seeking asylum is not a crime, it is a right guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is also established in U.S. law.

Weekly newsletter #103 written by Wendy Brandes, executive committee, Indivisible Upper East Side

Disclaimer: By choosing to attend any events listed herein, I acknowledge the risks involved, and that I agree to participate non-violently and in accordance with the law. During some events, acts of civil disobedience may be initiated by individual participants.  I acknowledge and agree that Indivisible Upper East Side is not responsible for any such acts of individual participants which are unlawful, nor is Indivisible Upper East Side soliciting my participation in any such activity. I agree that I am solely responsible for any decision to participate in any acts of civil disobedience and any consequences, legal or otherwise, that may result from that decision.