NOTE: The healthcare battle isn't over. McConnell is trying to push a Senate vote THIS WEEK to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement plan. As the news develops, this week's actions are subject to change. Updates will be available via email, Facebook, and our website.
Monday, July 24 -- TWO ACTIONS
1. Call Chuck Schumer About Healthcare
On Sunday, Senator Chuck Schumer was on television rehashing the Democrats' 2016 messaging. Criticism of his own party's past efforts is a waste of time right now. Schumer should be focused on nothing but healthcare. Call Schumer's office and tell him that the only message you want to hear from him is, "All Americans deserve healthcare." Want more of a script? Click here.
• Schumer's NYC office: 212-486-4430
2. Medicare for All Rally
Union Sq. South Plaza (E. 14th St., opposite Whole Foods)
5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
It's time we have healthcare for all -- like all other modern industrialized nations. Please note that this is a rally with guest speakers, not a march.
Tuesday, July 25
Call Again
Call Schumer again. Remind his office that you expect the senator to stay 100% focused on healthcare this week. Call Senator Kirsten Gillibrand too. Thank her for opposing the bill, and tell her staff that you expect Democrats like her to do whatever is necessary to kill TrumpCare once and for all. You can personalize this script.
• Senator Chuck Schumer: 212-486-4430
• Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: 212-688-6262
Wednesday, July 26
Protect Abortion & Birth Control Access in NY
NYC LGBT Community Center
208 West 13th St.
5:45 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Laws to protect abortion and birth control access from Trump and his anti-women allies are being passed by state leaders across the country. Yet in New York, efforts to pass similar plans have been repeatedly blocked. Find out why and what you can do.
Thursday, July 27
Contact Mitch McConnell
We don't normally recommend calling out-of-state senators, but McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, is the one pushing TrumpCare. He affects the entire country. Let him know how you feel about losing your healthcare. (Contact information compiled by Nasty Woman Action Network.)
• Email him.
• Call him in Washington: (202) 224-2541
• Fax him in Washington: (202) 224-2499
• Tweet him:
• Call his other offices:
◦ Louisville, KY (502) 582-6304
◦ Lexington, KY (859) 224-8286
◦ Fort Wright, KY (859) 578-0188
◦ London, KY (606) 864-2026
◦ Bowling Green, KY (270) 781-1673
◦ Paducah, KY (270) 442-4554
Friday, July 28
Tweet for Bi-Partisan Cooperation of Female Senators
The Nasty Woman Action Network put together a spreadsheet that makes it easy to tweet all of the female senators and ask them to work together on a healthcare solution. If you don't use Twitter, forward the link to someone who does.
Saturday, July 29
Our Lives on the Line March
Union Square
2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Be part of a national protest against TrumpCare. Indivisible UES and more than a dozen other local Indivisible chapters are working to coordinate their efforts for Saturday. More info to come.