When we stand together, we can fight back

against the MAGA agenda.


As neighbors on Manhattan’s east side, with thousands of Indivisible groups across the United States, we organize to counter what Republican extremists will try to do to our country.

We’re Indivisible Manhattan East Side, founded after the 2016 election to stand against MAGA’s harmful policies and anti-democratic behavior. 

Let’s move our country forward, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and where no one is above the law.

There’s a lot to do, even in New York. We’re working hard to organize letter-writing campaigns, lobby Congress, protest, phone and text bank, and more. 

We don’t have to sit still; we can take charge of our country’s future.

Here’s what you can do:


What we do

Find out about our organization, mission, and methods.

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Want to make a difference? Find out what you can do right now!

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